The end is in sight for this project, and it’s been a journey I’ll never forget.
For the project I also had to complete two minutes of audio and video. For the audio, I wanted to get more of my conversation with Bethan Carr as the law side of things is important for the feature I’m writing.
For the video, I wanted to focus on the woman who started it all- Kim Cotton. Kim is incredibly fascinating, and it was great to talk to her. I wanted to just put more of her opinions into the feature which is what I’ve done for the video.
I think both video and audio parts add to my story and build on what was already said. It builds the persona of both people.
I am just finishing up writing the feature which has been the toughest thing I’ve ever had to write. Finding the balance has been difficult but I would like to think I’ve done a good job.
Almost there now.